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Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Around the Air Force: Tyndall hurricane recovery
On this look Around the Air Force the Air Force Airmen from around the country help Tyndall Air Force Base, Fla., recover from Hurricane Michael and the Secretary of the Air Force, Chief of Staff of the Air Force and Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force tour the damaged base. Hosted by Airman 1st Class Marqus Williams.
https://ift.tt/2P4zCXf DoD News October 17, 2018 at 09:45PM
Air Force responds to Hurricane Michael
Hurricane Michael hit the Florida Panhandle as a Category 4 hurricane Oct. 10, with Tyndall Air Force Base directly in its path. While active-duty and National Guard service members were pre-positioned to provide assistance during the storm, within hours after it ended additional Airmen began arriving from across the country to assess the damage, clear the path for first responders, begin repairs to the base and provide humanitarian assistance to the area.
https://ift.tt/2PFTxsO Air Force News Service October 17, 2018 at 09:45PM
Around the Air Force: Tyndall hurricane recovery
On this look Around the Air Force the Air Force Airmen from around the country help Tyndall Air Force Base, Fla., recover from Hurricane Michael and the Secretary of the Air Force, Chief of Staff of the Air Force and Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force tour the damaged base. Hosted by Airman 1st Class Marqus Williams.
https://ift.tt/2RXsdb2 DoD News October 17, 2018 at 06:45PM
Air Force responds to Hurricane Michael
Hurricane Michael hit the Florida Panhandle as a Category 4 hurricane Oct. 10, with Tyndall Air Force Base directly in its path. While active-duty and National Guard service members were pre-positioned to provide assistance during the storm, within hours after it ended additional Airmen began arriving from across the country to assess the damage, clear the path for first responders, begin repairs to the base and provide humanitarian assistance to the area.
https://ift.tt/2EtXnUK Air Force News Service October 17, 2018 at 06:45PM
Air Force responds to Hurricane Michael
Hurricane Michael hit the Florida Panhandle as a Category 4 hurricane Oct. 10, with Tyndall Air Force Base directly in its path. While active-duty and National Guard service members were pre-positioned to provide assistance during the storm, within hours after it ended additional Airmen began arriving from across the country to assess the damage, clear the path for first responders, begin repairs to the base and provide humanitarian assistance to the area.
https://ift.tt/2NJJqS1 Air Force News Service October 17, 2018 at 03:45PM
FLIR PRIMED - Episode 26: Responding to Mercury
Mercury - it is the only liquid elemental metal and can be found in many common household items. Exposure can cause symptoms ranging from muscle weakness to nerve loss and, in cases of prolonged exposure, irreversible damage to kidneys and the nervous system. In Episode 26, we’ll cover what items to keep at the ready in case of a small mercury spill. FLIR PRIMED is a CBRNE Training Video Series. Every few weeks, we deliver best practices, industry insights, and real-life experiences that help you stay prepared. Each episode is accompanied by a field checklist or downloadable guide that you can use right now! See more at FLIR.com/PRIMED The information contained in this video is intended for general informational and educational purposes only. This video is not intended as a substitute for formal training. FLIR makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability or suitability with respect to any content contained in this video and disclaims any liability for any damage or injury of any kind that may result from the use or misuse of the information contained in this video.
Daylight Savings Time Tips
Amy Kessler, social media specialist, talks about 5 tips to keep in mind when daylight savings rolls around the corner on November 4. Do you have a funny story that centers around daylight savings? Share it with us on our social channels! Links are below! Facebook - https://ift.tt/2QXgc41 Instagram - https://ift.tt/2AfOz0J Twitter - https://twitter.com/MaceBrand LinkedIn - https://ift.tt/2QXgcB3
Coleman BlackOut Bedroom® - extra dunkle Schlafkabinen für einen erholsamen Schlaf
Die bahnbrechenden BlackOut Bedrooms® von Coleman® revolutionieren das Schlaferlebnis beim Campen. Ideal geeignet für Eltern und lichtempfindliche Menschen. Unsere, zum Patent angemeldete, Technologie hält bis zu 99% des Tageslichtes aus Ihrem Schlafbereich fern. So schlafen Sie nicht nur länger, sondern auch erholsamer! www.coleman.eu
Coleman® FastPitch™ Air Valdes 4 – aufblasbares Zelt für 4 Personen
Das FastPitch™ Air Valdes 4 Zelt kann, dank einer neuen und revolutionären Coleman Technologie, in wenigen Minuten sehr einfach aufgepumpt, auf- und wieder abgebaut werden. Das FastPitch™ Air Valdes 4 Zelt bietet Ihnen zusätzlich unsere BlackOut Bedrooms® für erholsamen Schlaf und die komfortable D-Tür. Das Valdes ist der perfekte Begleiter, für jede Art von Urlaub und Freizeit. Ob Sie mit Freunden und Familie einen Campingurlaub planen oder zu einem Festival aufbrechen wollen – mit unserer neuesten Entwicklung im Zeltbereich startet Ihre kostbare Freizeit einfach noch schneller! www.coleman.eu
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